Historical Re-enactors and Living History 2018 > Rufford Abbey 1940's Weekend 2018 > RedZebraRA1940W180929-0892

Rufford Abbey - 1940's Weekend. On September 29th & 30th Rufford Abbey once again hosts a weekend of nostalgia and fun, remembering those wartime days when England "Kept the Home Fires Burning". Enjoy all the sights and sounds of the 1940s as World War Two Historical Re-enactors and Living History bring the past to life in the picturesque setting of Rufford Abbey Country Park. Organised by Pike & Shot Events   with Skirmish Magazine and photographed by Red Zebra.  
© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024

Rufford Abbey 1940's Weekend 2018. Managed by Pike and Shot

Events, imaged by Red Zebra Photography.


Red Zebra Photography.


Based in Norwich, Norfolk.  Photographing Nationwide.

Contact us today:  info@redzebraphoto.co.uk  or   07973432204

All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024.  For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~  01508 570934