Historical Re-Enactors & Living History 2012 > Rufford Historical Bazaar 2012 > RZRB 0069
The Grand Historical Bazaar at Rufford Country Park on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of May 2012. Set in the picturesque grounds of Rufford the opportunity to browse and buy items for historical re-enactors. See re-enactors and living history from Viking, Medieval, Napoleonic times and the 1940’s.
© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024

The Grand Historical Bazaar at Rufford country park, Nottinghamshire, May

12th and 13th 2012. Photographed by Red Zebra.
Superb Traders, Re-enactors and Living History in the picturesque setting of Rufford Abbey Country Park, Nottinghamshire.


Red Zebra Photography.


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All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024.  For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~  01508 570934